12 мая 2024 в 19:53
$POSI За 2023 год - выручка 22,2 млрд, прибыль 9,7 млрд. Хотят сделать допэмиссию и раздать акций где-то на 15,6 млрд тем кому посчитают нужным. И ещё говорят радуйтесь что не 25% допку сделаем. Очень акционеро ориентировано 💩 Проголосовал против допэмиссии.
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6 сентября 2024 в 17:33
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18 октября 2023
POSI Что вынес для себя из эфира с Юрием Максимовым •без 25% допэмиссии удвоение невозможно, только постоянно раздавая долю в компании сотрудникам и причастным к росту капитализации компания сможет расти •сейчас по закону нельзя сделать допэмиссию без участия текущих акционеров, но они прикладывают много усилий чтобы обойти это ограничение
18 октября 2023
Планы менеджмента POSI по допэмиссии акций звучат как угроза инвесторам - Если наша капитализация будет расти, то мы вашу долю размоем. 😐
17 июля 2023
MASI объявляет предварительные результаты выручки за второй квартал 2023 года Руководство объявит и обсудит полные финансовые результаты за второй квартал 2023 года во вторник, 8 августа 2023 года. Masimo expects its consolidated revenue for the second quarter 2023 to range from $453 million to $457 million, with healthcare revenue expected to range from $280 million to $282 million and non-healthcare revenue expected to range from $173 million to $ 175 million. Though the healthcare business made significant market share gains through new contracting in the second quarter, healthcare revenue for the second quarter 2023 was lower than expected due to multiple factors Preliminary Outlook With second quarter revenues below expectations, the Company is taking actions to reduce costs in the second half of the year. Management will share more details on these actions when the company announces complete second quarter 2023 financial results on Tuesday, August 8, 2023. Despite the second quarter revenue shortfall, the fundamentals of both businesses remain strong. Notably, on the healthcare side, new hospital customers continue to switch to Masimo technology faster than ever, increasing Masimo’s share of the hospital market. Masimo drove record contracting in the first half of the year, both in the U.S. and worldwide. Masimo’s Unrecognized Contract Revenue (as defined in Masimo’s Annual Report on Form 10-K filed March 1, 2023) is expected to range from $1.37 billion to $1.38 billion at the end of the second quarter, representing growth of 11% to 12% in Unrecognized Contract Revenue versus the end of the second quarter of 2022. On the consumer side, it is unclear when the softness in the premium and luxury categories will improve. However, initial demand for the Stork™ baby monitor has been strong, as major retailers are placing stocking orders for the product. In addition, hearables sales doubled this quarter versus the same quarter last year, helped by the launch of the Denon PerL™ earbuds with Masimo AAT™. Joe Kiani, Chairman and CEO of Masimo, stated, “While we are disappointed in our revenue results this quarter, our hospital business is strong, as our growth in contracting shows. We do believe sensor utilization and sensor revenue growth rates will return to normal levels. We are also excited about the future for Radius VSM™, Opioid Halo™, Stork™, PerL™, W1™, and our telemonitoring businesses, all of which are in full-scale launch, except for Stork™, which is in limited market release.” Management plans to discuss Masimo’s complete second quarter 2023 financial results and provide updated fiscal year 2023 financial guidance after the market closes on Tuesday, August 8, 2023. We currently expect to reduce the lower end of full year revenue guidance for the healthcare business to $1.30 billion from $1.45 billion. We are still evaluating the upper end of revenue guidance for the healthcare business, but it could be materially higher than the lower end of the range, as we are still targeting our original guidance. We also expect to reduce annual revenue guidance for the non-healthcare business to $800 million to $850 million from $965 million to $995 million. The preliminary financial information presented in this press release is based on Masimo’s current expectations and may be adjusted as a result of the completion of customary quarterly review procedures and other processes.