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13 января 2022 в 10:33
$GTHX я уже на этом💩 потерял половину в стоимости. Давай, чуть поднимись и солью тебя нафиг!
6 января 2022 в 14:54
$GTHX ниже ещё не было. Мне б процентов на 15-20 он подрос(от текущей цены) и сливаю этот прицеп нафиг🤦‍♂️
2 декабря 2021 в 14:29
$GTHX вот клянусь- сровняюсь в ноль и продам эту шнягу. Перспектив не вижу пока
25 марта 2021 в 16:43
$RCL Часть 5 On Wednesday, the CDC said it is working on updating its no-sail order. "Returning to passenger cruising is a phased approach to mitigate the risk of spreading COVID-19. Details for the next phase of the CSO are currently under interagency review," BOTTOM LINE - NOTHING HAS CHANGED. The so-called Framework for Conditional Sailing Order (CSO) remains effective until 1 November 2021, but is being updated. As frustrating as it is, we continue to follow what we have been doing as an industry for the last five months and await further direction for the next phase from the CDC. NO,,, CRUISES HAVE NOT BEEN CANCELED UNTIL NEXT NOVEMBER STAY TUNED FOR MORE INFORMATION AS RELEASED
25 марта 2021 в 16:42
$RCL Часть 4 “The outdated CSO, which was issued almost five months ago, does not reflect the industry’s proven advancements and success operating in other parts of the world, nor the advent of vaccines, and unfairly treats cruises differently. Cruise lines should be treated the same as other travel, tourism, hospitality, and entertainment sectors,” Craighead emphasized. While some cruise lines have announced a few sailings catering to those who have received vaccinations, CLIA does not currently have a policy related to vaccines. The organization and its members are exploring a workable approach for how to consider vaccinations, once widely available, as part of robust protocols. According to CLIA, restarting cruises as part of the broader travel industry will provide a much-needed boost to the U.S. economy—with the cruise industry supporting nearly 450,000 American jobs and contributing over $55.5 billion annually, prior to the pandemic. Based on economic modeling by research firm BREA, more than 300,000 jobs have been lost in the United States due to the suspension of cruises. The majority of those impacted are independent business owners or individuals employed by small- to medium-sized businesses—including travel agents, taxi drivers, port employees, baggage handlers, and longshoremen, as well as airline, hotel, and restaurant workers.
25 марта 2021 в 16:42
$RCL Часть 3 “The cruise industry has adopted a high bar for resumption around the world with a multi-layered set of policies that is intended to be revised as conditions change. Our Members continue to follow this multi-layered approach to enhancing health and safety that has proven effective, making cruising one of the best and most adaptable choices for travel,” she added. Craighead also noted “the accelerated rollout of vaccines is a gamechanger in providing for the health and well-being of the public, especially in the United States, where President Biden expects all adults will be eligible for vaccinations by May 1, 2021.” Following the industry’s voluntary suspension of operations one year ago, cruise lines have been prevented from operating in the U.S. by a series of “No Sail Orders” issued by the CDC. The CSO was issued last October, but since then the CDC has not released any further guidance, as called for in the CSO, to support the resumption of U.S. cruise operations. The lack of any action by the CDC has effectively banned all sailings in the largest cruise market in the world. Cruising is the only sector of the U.S. economy that remains prohibited, even as most others have opened or continued to operate throughout the pandemic.
25 марта 2021 в 16:42
$RCL Часть 2 “Over the past eight months, a highly-controlled resumption of cruising has continued in Europe, Asia, and the South Pacific—with nearly 400,000 passengers sailing to date in more than 10 major cruise markets. These voyages were successfully completed with industry-leading protocols that have effectively mitigated the spread of COVID-19. Additional sailings are planned in the Mediterranean and Caribbean later this spring and summer,” said Kelly Craighead, CLIA’s President and CEO. According to the trade association, the very small fraction of reported COVID cases (fewer than 50 based on public reports) is dramatically lower than the rate on land or in any other transportation mode. “This is a testament to the industry’s unparalleled expertise, gained over more than half a century, in coordinating movements of guests and crew, efficiently organizing complex embarkations and excursions, and designing vessels that are more technologically advanced and operationally agile than any other mode of transportation,” said Craighead.
25 марта 2021 в 16:41
$RCL Видел тут много паники. На всякий случай, скину сюда один материал, может кто ещё не видел. P.S. Не стоит так сильно паниковать 😉 Часть 1 LONG POST BUT WORTH A READ MYTH - “ALL CRUISE HAVE BEEN CANCELED UNTIL NOVEMBER!!" - SIMPLY NOT THE CASE HERE ARE THE FACTS So many cruisers are panicking from what the press had to say yesterday about the CDC and their comment about their Conditional Sailing Order ( CSO ). Let me see if I can get the facts laid out for you and hopefully we can avoid any misconception. Yesterday, the industry’s association, Cruise Lines International Association, CLIA, wrote to the Center For Disease Control, CDC, and ask that they amend their CSO, that was put in place for one year, back in November, 2020. As a member of CLIA, I have been following this closely. To set the stage, here is the press release from the CDC back in late October 2020, which stated “ Today the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a Framework for Conditional Sailing Order that introduces a phased approach for the safe and responsible resumption of passenger cruises. The Order establishes a framework of actionable items for the cruise line industry to follow so they can resume passenger operations with an emphasis on preventing the further spread of COVID-19 on cruise ships and from cruise ships into communities, and to protect public health and safety. The Order applies to passenger operations on cruise ships with the capacity to carry at least 250 passengers in waters subject to U.S. jurisdiction.” “This framework provides a pathway to resume safe and responsible sailing. It will mitigate the risk of COVID-19 outbreaks on ships and prevent passengers and crew from seeding outbreaks at ports and in the communities where they live,” says CDC Director Robert R. Redfield, M.D. “CDC and the cruise industry have a shared goal to protect crew, passengers, and communities and will continue to work together to ensure that all necessary public health procedures are in place before cruise ships begin sailing with passengers.” “ During the initial phases, cruise ship operators must demonstrate adherence to testing, quarantine and isolation, and social distancing requirements to protect crew members while they build the laboratory capacity needed to test crew and future passengers. Subsequent phases will include simulated (mock) voyages with volunteers playing the role of passengers to test cruise ship operators’ ability to mitigate COVID-19 risk, certification for ships that meet specific requirements, and return to passenger voyages in a manner that mitigates COVID-19 risk among passengers, crew members, and communities.” Royal Caribbean and all cruise lines supported this approach at the time. Quoting the chair of the Healthy Sail Panel commissioned by Royal Caribbean and another cruise line - “CDC and the cruise industry have the same goal: A return to passenger sailing, but only when it’s safe. Under the CDC’s Framework for Conditional Sailing Order, cruise lines have been given a pathway to systematically demonstrate their ability to sail while keeping passengers, crew and their destination ports safe and healthy,” said former Utah Gov. Mike Leavitt, co-chair of the Healthy Sail Panel. Yesterday, CLIA released the following press release: WASHINGTON, DC, March 24, 2021 –CLIA, which represents 95% of global ocean-going cruise capacity, today called on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to lift the Framework for Conditional Sailing Order (CSO) and allow for the planning of a phased resumption of cruise operations from U.S. ports by the beginning of July. The early-July timeframe is in line with President Biden’s forecast for when the United States will be “closer to normal.”
24 февраля 2021 в 15:37
$RCL а что происходит то?
23 февраля 2021 в 19:28
$RCL красота 😀
22 февраля 2021 в 15:42
$RCL а что , собственно происходит?
12 января 2021 в 19:11
$RCL ну пока ситуация остаётся стабильно неприятной для всех Работников ((
6 ноября 2020 в 21:44
$RCL ох народ. Думаю, уже почти на 95% будет Байден....а это значит....короче, не так скоро начнём заново круизить😭
4 ноября 2020 в 11:27
$RCL ох ребята... Если победит Байден, можно забыть о круизах на ближайшие полгода как минимум🤦‍♂️😱😡😡😡 А чую, он и победит... Ибо, маразм в штатах крепчает..
30 октября 2020 в 16:58
$RCL Ноябрь- Декабрь, Quantum и Navigator начнут долгожданную работу. Пока это только Сингапур. Пока с дикими ограничениями ( только 50% наполняемости). Но лиха бела начала👌 Трамп конечно будет спасением для индустрии🤞
30 октября 2020 в 15:50
$RCL ну что сказать... просто пока в мире 💩 Но, 2 корабля в ближайшее время стартуют на круиз. Будем надеятся 🤞
11 августа 2020 в 13:43
$RCL радость была не долгой...
10 июня 2020 в 20:35
$RCL и что ж я не продал за 79🤦‍♂️ теперь ждём второго подъема. Пока можно усреднить и докупить
14 мая 2020 в 13:50
$RCL 30 пробьёт сегодня? Знатоки, что думаете?
30 апреля 2020 в 8:22
$RCL кто-то может объяснить такой рост?🤔
29 апреля 2020 в 20:30
$RCL не, вы посмотрите что он делает🔥🔥это ж пулемёт просто!!) Значит скоро будет корректировка🤔
9 апреля 2020 в 13:39
$RCL а что происходит? Сейчас закроют торги я чувствую🤔
9 апреля 2020 в 12:09
$RCL полетели вниз ?
7 апреля 2020 в 13:54
$RCL и что это?🤔😊
7 апреля 2020 в 7:46
$RCL закрыли биржу😂😂 Сейчас вниз пойдёт 🤦‍♂️😂
6 апреля 2020 в 16:25
$RCL а что происходит 🤔
3 апреля 2020 в 15:09
$RCL да расслабьтесь вы, роста не будет. С чего бы это?🤷‍♂️ Начнёт рости, когда пароходы войдут в строй. Так что, просто ждём 🤞
1 апреля 2020 в 19:36
$RCL даёшь 23✊